I’m Collaborating With A Film Maker!

2024 has been a very busy year for me and it’s hard to believe that we have reached the end of summer already.

In between having lots of Kiwi visitors to stay, exhibiting with Oxfordshire Artweeks and being part of the NGS Open Gardens I’ve spent lots of time in my studio revisiting old, forgotten painting techniques that I used in my earlier practice. I have found a treasure trove of inspiration and techniques that have now found new life in my work and it’s been exciting to see how they can be adapted into my current projects.

I have a new body of work in progress but I’m not in a hurry to finish them just yet.  I am so enjoying experimenting with paint, paper, stitch and fabric and have described 2024 as ‘My Year To Return To Art School’.   It’s been my time to really play, not have any deadlines and to not feel I ‘should’ be doing something to please my customers.

I want to see where my experiments take me and I’ll post updates on my Instagram account so please follow along @nicola_durrant_art

For the first time since the covid epidemic, I’ve run some in person workshops here in my studio where I’ve shared many of my painting tips and tricks with a small group of keen attendees.

I’ve had beginners, intermediate painters and experienced artists attend and I think it’s fair to say everyone left my studio feeling very satisfied with the results they had created.

I have been collaborating with a local film maker (Tim Hand Productions) this summer making some process videos of my painting techniques which will soon be available to watch on utube.

Tim and I have spent many fun hours in my studio shooting everything from creating interesting collage papers, making folded sketchbooks, experimenting on canvas through to finishing off a painting, which we are intending to turn into a ‘do it at your own pace’ online workshop.

Let me know if there is anything in my art practice that you would find interesting to watch in more detail.

Tim is very good at getting lots of close up, over my shoulder shots which shows exactly what I am doing.

You can email me any requests for videos via my website or DM me on instagram……I’d love to hear from you!


Is your glass half full or half empty?